Tag: diamond color

The Colors of Diamond

diamond colorHow many colors of diamond do you know? Do you know that diamonds have a lot of colors? Most of the rare colors are much pricier than the other colors. If you want to know some tips in evaluating a diamond color, keep reading.


Diamonds are categorized by four characteristics such as clarity, cut, carat weight, and color. For each characteristic, the higher on the scale it is, the more costly the diamond appears. For instance, the different degrees of color increase the worth of the diamond. Also, all diamonds are classed against that “white” color. Hence, a colorless diamond does not exist even if it is the most common “white” diamond that most people are familiar with.


The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) created a standard diamond color guideline where the color of each diamond is compared to a pre-selected set of colored gems or known as control stones


Loose diamond

The loose diamond must not be set in metal because the metal setting will alter the appearance of the diamond’s color. The diamond needs to be positioned upside down (with the point up). Then it is examined using the gemologist’s magnifying tool called a loupe. This magnifying tool enables the gemologist to see the characteristics of a diamond more clearly. The diamond must be held loosely in the jeweler’s hand upon examining and class its color.


The letter grade of the diamond

Gemologists use a letter grading system in evaluating the diamond’s color. The letter grading system starts at the letter D and goes to Z with a color for each letter. Diamonds in the D category are typical and do not have any color whatsoever. So, the Z category is the deepest shade of color found in a diamond. Here is a list of the lettered colors for diamonds:

  • D to F: colorless
  • G to J: nearly colorless
  • K to M: slightly colored, often yellow
  • N to R: slightly colored, often yellow; clear to the human’s naked eye
  • S to Z: colored, usually brown or yellow; visible to the human’s naked eye


Generally, if you are seeking a diamond, think about the fluorescence of the stone to some extent, but also look at the letter grading of the diamond. A diamond with a grade of D to J is already desirable. If you are still in doubt, you can ask the gemologist to assist you and help you in choosing the one that will fit your taste and budget.